Six whole days since I blogged. Unusual...what was it? The change of
weather probably. From the cold, wet and windy autumn to the even
colder, wetter and windier winter. Ah well...I'm back. And back with a
great book. Peter May's 'The Blackhouse'. This is a murder mystery
set on the Island of Lewis. Strange that I should be reading this the
very week that Lewis has had its first murder in forty years.
This is a good book, the first in The Lewis Trilogy.
I'll definitely be buying the next two.
Not the usual run of the mill murder mystery, it is enormously
informative of life on Lewis and is written with a depth of knowledge
and a confidence which comes only with practice. The story is good and
the dialogue believable. I would expect no less from Peter May who
was one of the main writers on the STV's 'Take The High Road'
back in the day when I was a cast member. From there he went to
Lewis to head up their Gaelic soap 'Machair'.
Now living in France, that wealth of experience is flowing forth in novels.
Well done that man.
I'm not quite finished 'The Black House'....maybe this evening.