Saturday 23 February 2013

Books are fascinating objects. The older the better. This one is
an interesting little volume of Aesops Fables in both Latin and
Greek. Sadly the one important page at the front is missing so
there are no details as to when it was printed and by whom.
This also reduces it's value enormously. However, it's far too
old and interesting to just put to one side. It is full of the most
delightful illustrations, each one no more than two inches wide.
It is worth looking at these and taking note of the details in dress,
the buildings, the tools and any other bits and pieces.
How old is this? me it looks mid 16th century. There is a
date written on the inside cover..1671. This will have been written
by the owner at the time. There are a few names written in the book,
most notably one Richard Robinson. The cover is leather with the
corners repaired in vellum. The repair itself is probably 17th century.
This little book has a home here. I sometimes pick it up and think
that in 1671 someone held this book and thought it old.

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